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How to Jailbreak iPad 2 w/ (Leaked-Unofficial)

Check out the Video above for full information on the iPad 2 Jailbreak. This jailbreak was leaked and is still in beta stages as an unofficial Jailbreak, but Comex is said to be releasing the official version of the jailbreak today or tomorrow, July 4th or July 5th. If you do not want to risk your device, stay tuned to this site and my YouTube Channel for that version/how-to-guide as it will definitely be less buggy and will be official. Again, I am only sharing this because you guys asked for it. It was already out there on the internet before I posted it, so I figured that I would share the news with you.
1. This is not the official release and I do not recommend doing this. I am only making this guide because many people have asked me to upload a video on it, and I know you guys have been waiting a while for it. Just giving you guys what you asked for.
2. Some people are saying this only works for 4.3.0 or lower and not 4.3.3. This has yet to be confirmed.
3. Back up your iPad 2 before you do this! 
4. This may not be the best jailbreak. If you are nervous about risking your device, wait for my guide on the official release, which is coming today or tomorrow.

This jailbreak supports the following Devices / Firmwares: (Click the link to the firmware that you have on your Device).
(Thanks to jailbreakzone)

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